Skrap-It | Sadako survived on sheer willpower for 20 years in the well before dying. Many years later, Ikuma's house was sold after his mysterious death and it was later converted into a set of rental cabins, which were built directly over the well. Cetus | Sweeney Todd Villains | As the social worker watches, Sadako Yamamura manifests behind her. Gallaxhar | Beadle Bamford | At an ESP demonstration hosted by Dr. Ikuma, Shizuko was branded a charlatan after she abruptly ended the demonstration due to illness. At this moment, Miyaji spots the mysterious little girl and realizes that she is a second Sadako. Blue Latimore | Her evil side is shown to be mischievous, and appears to be the embodiment of Sadako's powers and negative emotions. More of Sadako's history is revealed during the course of the film. Sadako visited him frequently at the sanatorium. Takeo Saeki | He also explains how he drugged the second Sadako to keep her from reaching maturity. She creates a haunted video tape that will kill anyone who watches it one week after watching unless they can make someone else watch the tape. Human Resistance (Dr. Emilia, Greta, Zane) | The Mouse | Captain Smek | Alias Ikuma returns and fearing what his daughter might become, he plans to drug her with poison. Melvinborg | Goldtrux | He moved his wife and the Sadako clones to his house in the forests of Izu Peninsula. Mr. Chew | The character has generated a wide variety of fan art which has portrayed her as particularly childlike or sexualized. Horde Prime | The Boov (Officer Kyle) | This is generally the reason why she creates the "Ring Virus", since she will "live on" in it, as long as her DNA (merged with that of the smallpoxvirus) still exists. Additional differences include Sadako's gender, which is fully female. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Noticing that Shizuko's daughter Sadako had no father, Ikuma took the role of being her father. Sadako will hardly bring the Ring franchise back from the dead; it’s far too muted and psychological for that. S Genus | Humming Bombers | Rapunzel | Willard Tweedy | Nellie Lovett | Afterwards, the good Sadako regains control over herself, and mourns her actions. Jackson Rippner | Indominus rex | Dean Gordon Pritchard | Takashi tells Mai of how Shizuko gave birth to Sadako in a cave by the ocean, leaving her there to be carried away by the waves, but bringing her home after she found her still there the next day. Larry Quinn | Sadako Yamamura Thelonious | Spiny Mandrilla | Guy Gagné | Ando Mitsuo, a collegue of Ryuji's, performs an autopsy on Ryuji's body and discovers the tumor placed there by the Ring Virus. With Sadako's body in tow, they depart for Ikuma's home. In the summer of 1966, her father contracted tuberculosis after trying to gain psychic powers on his own. Evil-doer When Sadako is seven years old, her mother gives birth to a baby boy, who later dies from illness at the age of four months. Fifi | Jurassic Park Villains | Hōryū - Smashes her own skull whilst being possessed. NenshaTelepathyPsychic abilitiesAbility to kill people by simply wishing to do soAbility to split fragments of her soulAbility to merge with other supernatural entities to become oneTechnopathyDeath staringAbility to contort her limbs and body Occupation (Note: In America, the film tends to go under the title of Ringu in order to distinguish it from the American remake. She comments to Mai why she and Yoichi were able to escape while she could not, and willingly plunges down the well to the bottom. Naoko Kamawata | Sadako's stare which literally causes her victims to die of fright, shock or heart attack. The son, who was a devoted fan of a certain comedy show, wanted to watch it. Warlords | Henry Wu | Meanwhile, as a vengeful ghost, Sadako transferred disturbing images onto the blank videotape and the boy unknowingly watched the entirety of the cursed tape. Don Lino | But while the found-footage YouTube video format feels like a missed opportunity, Nakata at least uses this opportunity to showcase the incredible command of creaky horror tension that makes his return to the series so exciting. The 8th one is an especially intriguing rumor. While rehearsing for their upcoming play, "The Mask," the lead actress Aiko dies onset of mysterious circumstances, her face frozen in a rictus of horror akin to the victims in Ring. Vengeful Youkai, TelepathyPsychic abilitiesAbility to kill people by simply wishing to do soAbility to split fragments of her soulAbility to merge with other supernatural entities to become oneTechnopathyDeath staringAbility to contort her limbs and body. However, her real father is hinted to be an oceanic demon rather than Ikuma. The film's Sadako is shown to be more powerful than the novel's, as the original Sadako could not kill with her mind alone, but had to fuse her abilities with a virus. Sadako Yamamura | During the course of the plot, Asakawa's son Yoichi is somehow possessed by Sadako, gaining several of her psychic abilities. The Ring Evolution in Movies & TV. A group of people must find out how to stop the newborn deadly curse, which has born and gone viral after a Youtuber accidentally captured a vengeful ghost on camera. They all have a specified appearance: pale women with long, disheveled black hair wearing white burial clothes. Tighten | D-Stroy | Humpty Alexander Dumpty | A social worker visits the residence of an elderly woman, only to find her strangled by an electric cord. Sadako had psychic powers like her mother but grew up isolated and socially awkward, unable to make any friends. In the theater, the director of the troupe, Shigemori, convinces Sadako to spend the night with him, promising to further her career. Drago Bludvist | Ikuma allowed the good Sadako clone to live a normal life whilst he drugged the evil Sadako clone to prevent her from growing and locked her in the attic. Full Name Deion Hughes | Directed by Hideo Nakata. Shizuko intended to abandon the baby girl at a nearby cave but Sadako was still there, even when the waves tried to wash her away. Her ghost can appear, most notably showing an ability to crawl out of a television to kill her victims. Asakawa and Ryuji postulate that Sadako mutated the smallpox virus with her own DNA and her psychic powers, planting it in the tape she made through nensha. The virus passes on to those who watch the tape in the form of a throat tumor which kills the victim within a week, forcing them to hallucinate their own rotting face shortly before death. Dietrich Banning | After their marriage, Ikuma took Shizuko and Sadako to Tokyo to study their powers and use them as evidence for his experimental studies on the existence of ESP. The Toad | How to Train Your Dragon Villains | Madagascar Villains | ). Odlulu | Drago's Army (Muddy Bewilderbeast & Eret) | A video game, known as The Ring: Terror's Realm in the U.S., was also released in 2000 for the Dreamcast. Sadako of the Ring 24.4K Reads 1K Votes 11 Part Story. Egyptian Guard | The two struggle in front of the old well, before Ikuma strikes her over the head with a bladed weapon and pushes her into the well, before breaking down in tears afterwards. In one scene in Ring, Ryuji and Reiko Asakawa interrogate Sadako's uncle, Takashi Yamamura, and share a vision of her mother's disastrous public demonstration of her psychic powers, in which a young Sadako approaches Reiko in the vision and leaves a burn mark on her arm. Newton Wolves (Bad Billions and Good Billions) | Croco-bats | The channels were different in Hakone—but of course some child would never know that. Lamar Burgess | Kung Fu Panda Villains | Sadako emerging from Takanori's computer. She fell in love with Hiroshi Toyama after he repeatedly protected her from harm and became her confidant, and her eventual lover. Assuming that Toyama played the recording to make their previously secret relationship public (against her wishes), Sadako disappears from the troupe. Dr. Nagao disappears from the story; rather than his raping her, Ikuma brains her with an axe out of fear of her evil powers, and dumps her down the well. Megatron | Sadako's name means "chaste" (free from any sexual intercourse) in Japanese which may hint to her inability to reproduce due to her Testicular Feminization Syndrome and her obsession of procreating by successfully allowing herself to be reborn (this is explained in the original novels). While visiting her father, Sadako is raped by a young doctor, Jotaro Nagao, who is infected with the smallpox virus, on the hospital grounds. The social worker is eventually killed with a knife slitting her throat. However, he strangled her and threw her down a nearby well. Hobby In 1951, Shizuko Yamamura, a psychic from Oshima Island, sat on the beach where she stared at the ocean for hours. Ringu, the franchise that spawned The Ring and delivered Japanese horror to American audiences, is back with an origin story of Sadako, the girl in the well. Julian Assange | Sadako shows promise and is a return to form for the series, but it ultimately falls short of what you would expect given over 20 years has passed since the director tackled a Ring film. Lord Shen | Have you heard? Vincent | Le Frog | Tzekel-Kan | Before the year was over though, Shizuko committed suicide by leaping into the volcano, Mt. Toshio Saeki, Kamawata Family Pounder | The son agreed to record the show, which gave Sadako, as a vengeful ghost, the opening she needed. Grimmel the Grisly | Prince Charming | Little of Sadako's history is revealed in the first novel, save the pivotal events which Kazuyuki Asakawa and Ryuji Takayama discover during their race to trace the origins of the cursed videotape. Robert Turner | Sadako makes an appearance under the guise of Mai Takano's sister, Masako, who seduces Ando and forces him to do her bidding. Sadako Yamamura (Yamamura Sadako 山村貞子) is the antagonist of the Ring novels, television drama, and films in Japan. There are a total of 8 mysteries of the school. Sadako survives the fall, but eventually starves to death with a heart full of hate. Come Rings, Samara appears to have delved straight into For the Evulz. In addition, she is incarnated as Park Eun-Suh in the South Korean remake and Samara Morgan in the American remake. Once within range of her other half, the dead Sadako revives and escapes into the woods aided by Toyama. A nearby video player suddenly turns on and begins playing the infamous cursed videotape. Donny | During the climax, Sadako's influence kills the doctor, Takashi, and a nurse. Wallace and Gromit Villains, Saeki Family Sadako's name is Japanese for "chaste child" (sada: chaste and ko: child). Punch Monkeys, Live-Action Movies The only way to survive is by copying the tape and passing it to someone else. Nagao is excluded from the films, and Dr. Ikuma instead pushes Sadako down the well. The vengeful spirits of the Ring and Grudge series face off. Akiko tries to gain evidence that Sadako actually possessed psychic powers and after successfully gaining evidence, she convinces Toyama's ex-girlfriend Etsuko to expose Sadako's past to the public by playing the recording of the infamous ESP demonstration during a theatrical performance. However, it is suspected her ability to give people heart attacks caused this. She was shown to be quite caring and apologetic, attempting to aid a disabled man by healing his paralyzed legs. He allowed the good Sadako twin to live a normal life, and kept the evil Sadako twin imprisoned, feeding her growth-inhibiting drugs to keep her from physically maturing. (Sadako & Samara). Later, the ghosts of both Shizuko and Sadako re-enact a scene from the cursed tape, in which a young Sadako played a prank on her increasingly unstable mother. Gladys Sharp | Instead of death by a fatal tumor on the seventh day, the ghost of Sadako herself crawls out of the television to claim her victims, an idea inspired by David Cronenberg's Videodrome and Steven Spielberg's Poltergeist. Sadako's cultural appearance is of a woman in a white dress with long black hair covering her face, which has evolved into a trait for other icons of horror films, such as Kayako Saeki of the Ju-On/The Grudge franchise. Directed by Kôji Shiraishi. Nightmares | Sta'abi | Lord Farquaad | The good Sadako is shown to be a quiet and gentle soul, but isolated due to her psychic powers and strange presence, which ultimately led to her death at the hands of the acting troupe she joined. He received a phone call from Sadako, warning him that he'll die in 7 days later. According to an urban legend, a Tokyo schoolboy travelled to the cabins for a vacation with his family. It is reported that Sadako fell in love with Toyama, the sound manager, but after a spiteful troupe member exposes their intimacy through an explicit recording, Sadako left Toyama and never returned. Francis E. Francis | Sadako is very powerful, inheriting her psychic powers from her mother, and possibly her unknown father in the films. Sadako's evil clone creeping behind Etsuko. Emperor Zarkon | Fat Barry | Chef | After the assault, Nagao discovers that Sadako has Testicular Feminization Syndrome—meaning that, though she has the appearance of a beautiful woman, she is biologically male and has a pair of testes. Assef | Boris Badenov | Talking Toilets | In Japan, the name has since been negatively associated with ghosts, though it was once a popular name for girls. Tad Mulholand | Meanwhile, Shizuko grew depressed and ultimately insane as she often spent hours combing her hair in front of the mirror with a grim expression on her face. Destroy humanity.Be reborn (all succeeded). If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Colonel Cutter | Smartsy Fartsy | Returning to Sadako's childhood home, Akiko and the other troupe members demand Ikuma to reveal the whereabouts of the evil Sadako clone. Fun Gus | Robot Probes | In Rasen, she resurrects Ryuji Takayama, and Ando's son Takanori. Other journalists also joined in the slander against Shizuko. Bank Robbers | Tour Guide | Reluctantly, Shizuko raised Sadako as her own child. Sweeney Todd | Creek | Hernán Cortés | General Mandible | The virus also carries her DNA, allowing her to be reborn after Mai Takano and Mitsuo Ando sleep together. As seen in a flashback sequence in Ring 0, the malformed, drooping eye that Sadako sports as a ghost is unique to her evil side. The virus takes the lives of Asakawa's niece, Tomoko, and her three friends as well as Ryuji by the end of the novel. Recovering in hospital, she met Dr. Heihachiro Ikuma, a professor of psychiatry. Sadako's character is not directly portrayed in Ring, but is expanded briefly in Rasen and to a much greater extent in Ring 0: Birthday, although there are differences in these various portrayals. Turbo Toilet 2000 | Ikuma and Shizuko proceeded with the demonstration whilst Sadako watched from backstage. Adolfo Pirelli | Later that year, on October 31, 1947, a baby girl named Sadako was born, and Shizuko handed her over to her grandmother whilst Shizuko moved and stayed with her lover. In the 2000 film based off of "Lemonheart" by Norio Tsuruta, Ring 0: Birthday(リング0 バースデイ Ringu 0: Bāsudei), Sadako (Yukie Nakama) leaves her native Izu to join an acting troupe in hope that working in theater will help her recover from the memory of her mother's suicide and her social anxiety. But the Ringu and Ju-On series quickly went down hill, both in Japan and abroad. Boneknapper | Jack & Jill | Masami - Exhaustion due to severe mental overload. Sadako used the power of hate to sustain herself for 30 years but eventually dies. Ikuma was intrigued by her abilities, and the two become involved in an illicit affair which resulted in the conception and birth of Sadako. Sadako Yamamura is the daughter of famous psychic Shizuko Yamamura. (In ancient Japan, women's hair was kept up until death.) Her character has been adapted into American and Korean counterparts for their respective localizations of Hideo Nakata's 1998 film, The Ring and The Ring Virus. Sharks (Frankie) | This form of Sadako remains the most influential, all later adaptations and remakes drawing from this incarnation. Sadako--or someone--lashes out with psychic powers, killing the doctor who stepped onto the stage to help her and bringing the light fixtures crashing down. Poachers (Madagascar) | Any technology affec… In the summer of 1946, Shizuko Yamamura retrieved a statuette of an oceanic deity, En no Ozunu, from the ocean floor with the help of her childhood friend Genji. Decepticons (Soundwave, Sideways, Grindor, Ravage, Alice & Scalpel) | Despite her ghastly image, Sadako was described to be very attractive whilst she was alive. Pharaoh Seti I | Arachne | Having enough of this unfair treatment, Sadako used her psychic abilities to stop Miyaji's heart, instantly killing him. Trish Kimble | ARIIA | Onryō were thought to be the souls of those who died with extreme hatred, particularly women. Have you heard? Dwayne LaFontant | With Mizuki Yamamoto, Tina Tamashiro, Aimi Satsukawa, Misato Tanaka. Transformers Cinematic Universe Villains | Theodore Murdsly | In spite of the troupe's uneasiness around the quiet Sadako, she is cast as the lead in Aiko's stead. Scooter Skunks | With the same title, but less creepy :PWell this is the main character in the movie and her name is Sadako … How she killed Tomoko's friends who weren't near a television at the time remains unknown. When you go into the school basement, you will find an old video tape there. Dr. Wataru Kuno - Breaks neck and spine after collapsing on top of candles due to shock. Major Chip Hazard | The troupe pursues her, but all of them, including the sympathetic Toyama, are psychically murdered by the second Sadako, who soon merges with the first. Commodus | Her character has been adapted into American and Korean counterparts for their respective localizations of Hideo Nakata's 1998 film, The Ring and The Ring Virus. The novel may have been inspired by two M.R. D-Structs | Several of Hōryū's assistants - Necks twisted and snapped in the presence of Sadako. Galactic Horde | Lord Shen's Wolf Army (Boss Wolf) | The original Japanese film franchise began with Hideo Nakata’s Ring back in 1998, an adaptation of Koji Suzuki’s tale of a cursed video and a creepy girl in a well, Sadako Yamamura. See more ideas about Anime, Sadako the ring, Horror. Detective Koiso's partner - Committed suicide under the influence of Sadako. Disgruntled | Actress (formerly)Serial killer Sadako herself is based off of two famous onryō: Okiku of Banchō Sarayashiki (番町皿屋敷, The Dish Mansion at Banchō) who was murdered and thrown down a well by the samurai she spurned, and Oiwa of the Yotsuya Kaidan (四谷怪談) who was fooled into drinking poison and murdered by her husband. It is implied that Sadako, particularly her evil clone, killed them one by one. But whatever you do, you must never watch it. Zerochan has 75 Sadako anime images, wallpapers, Android/iPhone wallpapers, fanart, cosplay pictures, facebook covers, and many more in its gallery. Origin However, her Testicular Feminisation Syndrome in the novels turned off most of her potential lovers. She then transports Yoichi and Mai to the bottom of the well, where she confronts them as they attempt to escape via a rope, asking them "Why is it only you were saved?" Connor Rooney | Sadako emerges from a TV set to kill Ryuji Takayama. Currently nineteen years old, Sadako joins an acting troupe in Tokyo and falls in love with fellow troupe member, Hiroshi Toyama. The two forms of Sadako (evil self, background; good self, foreground). Over the course of the Ring series, Sadako displayed a vast array of psychic powers when she was alive. Nana | The video player is later sold at a shop and eventually bought by university students Yuri Kurahashi and N… Both the film and the novel remove much of the emphasis placed on Sadako in Ring. The Splotch | Ikuma was fascinated by Shizuko's powers, and quickly fell in love with her. After her death, Sadako returned as a vengeful ghost with long, black hair concealing her face and fingernails torn off and wields more destructive psychic powers, which were fully manifested in her creation of the infamous cursed videotape. Ashamed at having her secret discovered, Sadako psychically attacks Nagao, who throttles her in rage and horror, dumping her into a nearby well. 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