So we can offer many different varieties of the best Discus quality in the world. $48.95 Quick View HB Great Blue Discus Fish … DiscusUSA has been importing, breeding, and selling quality fish since 2007. We plan to start importing Tony Tan discus again once our new facility is ready. Featured Products. QT/Holding Tank light should not be too bright. Welcome to Dennis Discus Fish. It will also give them time to recuperate after their travel and allows the fish to get used to you and their new environment. Please contact us for more info. We reserve the right to postpone shipping in cases of extreme weather conditions! Add to cart Quick view; Santarem Discus Fish 4 Inch $ 60.00. Visit our resource center and FAQ pages where you can find everything from setting up your new aquarium tank to caring for and feeding your fish. Proudly created with. 5. Canada wide shipping is available (sorry no international shipping). If you are looking for quality discus fish, you have come to the right place. Low Flow Filter that has mechanical and biological filtration. Here you will find pictures of my Hatchery and of Discus available for sale. 2. Baby Discus and Juveniles for Sale. You must provide a picture or video of the deceased fish in the original, sealed bag(s). See our collection of Discus Fish, Rams, Plecos and Angel Fish. Discus Stendker. You must be available to receive the fish when they are delivered. Please let us know on what date you'd like to receive your order. HIGH QUALITY DISCUS IS OUR SPECIALTY! If you don’t see any signs of stress and they’re all eating aggressively then you can place them into the main display tank. Add to cart Quick view; Filter by price. All discus in pictures are our discus. (Please note: Discus prefer a calm environment. Auctions for Discus Category - Sun Dec 6 08:45:46 2020. We here at Exotic Discus not only have some of the best discus and prices around, we also have the largest selection of discus in the Chicago land and the Midwest. Fast and low cost shipping with live arrival guarantee. The purpose of this is it gives you the opportunity to inspect your new discus and to be sure that they are healthy. 2. Instructions to help you with your new and beautiful Discus after they arrived. With good care, our Discus will grow to a mature height of more than 6 inches, they will be healthy and live long. All Grade A quality, hormone free and properly quarantined. Please read the Hundreds of Reviews on our website. Sometimes it can take new fish from few hours to 24 hours to start getting used to their new environment. Watch Our Video Collection. High quality aquarium fish at the lowest prices online and shipped right to your door. All discus are sold out. You can let us know by using ADD NOTE TO SELLER in the shopping cart page before checkout. If for any reason the fish is dead upon arrival, we will reimburse the full cost of the fish, including shipping charge. Please read our Shipping Schedule for details. Howdy Friends! Discus Fish at the lowest prices online and shipped right to your door. We are located in Oak Forest, IL 60452. We are a small business that aims to provide quality fish and service that reflects our passion for fish and their care. For example, we are the sole breeders of discus legend Marc Weiss’ original breeding stock in the world. Discus is a great fish, with a grace and a particularly rare intelligence in aquarium fish. Weather across the country is gradually getting better, but we do still need to make sure your fish arrive healthy and alive. You must notify us with the problem within one hour of receiving the shipment. We here at Exotic Discus have 100% live arrival guarantee. (We may also require you to take pictures of the deceased fish out of the bag(s). Discus Fish Food Recipe: Beef Heart. Your Price: $6.68 We have no issue reimbursing the full amount, including shipping, as long as the following conditions are met: 1. Our team also breeds some of our own imported wild and domesticated livestock. We offer the lowest prices on the internet. With our more than 20 years of experience, we guarantee you the best services. With our fish, you are assured of high quality fish! Alenquer Discus; Blue Diamond Discus; Brilliant Turquoise Discus; Checkerboard Discus; The high quality Discus. Special order before December 31. Order a … We have a proven track record of excellent stock and customer service and have been providing high quality Discus … Meat: a very excellent source of protein not only for humans but for discus fish as well. Lethbridge 22/11/2020 Have 7 discus for sale, all are healthy and very active. Fast overnight shipping on most orders. We Offer Wide Variety Of High Quality Discus Fish for Sale, Reasonable Prices & Fast Shipping Welcome to Our Discus and Freshwater Stingrays Store FREE next-day shipping for domestic orders over $499! Of course we don’t feel that’s right! If for any reason the fish is dead upon arrival, we will reimburse the full cost of the fish, including shipping charge. Longfin Lemon Drop Bushynose Pleco. Whether you’re thinking about creating a personal aquarium or acquiring a unique addition for your collection, then rest assured, you’ve come to the right place. Please bookmark this site as we plan on updating often. Visit us online today at The iFISH Store! Discus Fish Breeder Add us to your favorites : Welcome to the Great Lakes Discus Web Site! Santarem Discus Fish 3+ Inch $ 38.00. You can let us know by using ADD NOTE TO SELLER in the shopping cart page before checkout. We are extremely confident with our shipping method and know that the fish will arrive to you in good condition. Welcome to the newly interactive Myrtle Beach Discus where you can now shop our great selection of discus fish for sale in a variety of colors and strains. Check out our SPECIALS on Discus and Cichlids! We also carry timeless classics such as the Peter Thode Turquoise and Schmidt-Focke Striated Red Discus. We are extremely confident with our shipping method and know that the fish will arrive to you in good condition. The Discus Co. sells some of the best quality discus fish for sale in the USA. If for any reason the fish is dead upon arrival, we will reimburse the full cost of the fish, including shipping charge. (South Chicago ) All visits are appointment only. Rated 5.00 out of 5 $ 100.00. ... Discus Angel Fish Schooling fish. As you have discovered our website, it is clear that you are interested in discus fish. Whenever you get new discus fish it’s always a good idea to quarantine them before adding them into your main display tank. Ultra resistant perfect for beginners. It’s recommended to keep tank light off for 24 hours. More and more people dream of owning this fish, it is the sign and the culmination of a passion for freshwater aquarium. Frozen Brine Shrimps are an excellent first choice. Forget everything you think about Discus, your fears or bad experiences. Our baby and Juvenile discus fish for sale (2.0 inch, 2.5 inch, and 3.0 inch) retail price, depending on the type and strain of the discus fish, as well as the size of the order, ranges from $12 to $35. Discus from our world-renowned breeding, no hormones are given to them that make them more colorful but also more fragile small, sterile and less beautiful growing up! Also, learn more about our fish products and how to make the most of your purchase. Overnight shipping on all orders. The stress from shipping, new environment, and territorial aggression can be overwhelming for the new discus to handle all at once - that is why it's very important to ensure all new discus have fully recuperated from shipping and that they’re eating aggressively before adding them to the main display tank. Wide selection of species and sizes available for all types of freshwater aquariums. Browse our online discus fish store for juvenile and baby discus fish. New discus can also face territorial aggression at the beginning from discus you may already have in the tank. DiscusUSA is a breeder and importer of quality Discus and Angelfish. Please let us know on what date you'd like to receive your order. Proudly created with Welcome to the home of the “King of the Aquarium,” the highest-trafficked freshwater storefront in the world. Our goal is to provide you with quality fish from around the world. Welcome to Canadian Aqua Farm We are Canada's largest online discus retailer and offer both world class imported discus as well as top notch local raised discus that are bred on site. Welcome to the largest specialized Discus distributor in Quebec and probably in Canada, Montreal! If the water current is too strong from the filter it can cause stress to the discus). I have an excellent reputation for providing the highest quality Discus … Visit us online today at The iFISH Store! So we can offer many different varieties of the best Discus quality in the world. Of course we don’t feel that’s right! With Airport To Airport Service, We Guarantee Shipping Discus Fish...One low fee of $65.00 Airport to Airport or $15.00 within the state of Florida...Watch and see why we stand by our shipping with a refund or replacement policy. Please call 815-557-3966 or email us at if you have any questions or to schedule an appointment. It’s not the customer’s fault if the fish somehow die before reaching their new home. Open and pour bag water out, and place fish into the QT/holding tank. Please call 815-557-3966 or email us at. Our facilities collectively house over 30,000 gallons, 25,000 discus fish, and 90+ strains at … $54.95 Quick View "DISCUS FISH SALE" Six Contrasting Color 6 Pack "Delivered" $199.95 Quick View Hi-Fin Cobalt Discus Fish 2.5 inch. We offer a peerless selection of hybrid and wild discus fish for sale. Read Article We bring in new stock monthly and all our Fish are quarantined and healthy before shipping. Your Price: $18.00 In Stock. We have quality Discus fish for sale at a price no one can match. For all orders of 5 or more 2-3-inch Discus Fish. (Phone call is the preferred method of contact in this situation). Please contact us for more info. OZ Discus is independent and this allows us to source select strains from the worlds most renowned Discus farms. It’s recommended to keep new fish in QT/holding tank for minimum of 2 weeks. In the future we plan to have a large variety of tropical fish available. Fresh Water and Saltwater Fish, Plants, Invertibrates and Supplies. Do daily water changes and vacuum the tank bottom of waste and uneaten food. is a family-owned farm offering 100's varieties of Tropical Fish & Aquatic Plants for sale! All fish are shipped directly to your front door. Discus Fish are sometimes referred to as pompadour fish. Add to cart Quick view; Santarem Discus Fish +/- 5 Inch. Discus Fish are also known as symphysodon, which is a genus of cichlids native to the Amazon river basin in South America. All discus in pictures are our discus. We import our fish from South America, West Africa, and South East Asia. Discus Co. provides customers in USA with high quality and rare types and strains of Symphysodon discus fish. Aquarists and hobbyists alike can shop online via our website or visit us at our hatchery. All shipping is via FedEx or UPS overnight - arriving next day at or before 10:30am(some rural areas may take up to noon delivery time). Other sellers will only reimburse for the fish but not the shipping charge. © Discus Paradise / conception et hébergement. We here at Exotic Discus not only have some of the best discus and prices around, we also have the largest selection of discus in the Chicago land and the Midwest. Top Sellers Quick View Hi Fin Saphire Blue Diamond Discus Fish 2.5 inch. Discus fish for sale online or at the shop Click here Chicago Discus specializes in the highest quality discus strains available today. We have a variety of discus fish for sale. For shipping cost: make an account, put the Discus you want in your “basket”, go to checkout and BEFORE you pay you also will get the shipping cost calculated. We stand behind our commitment to providing you with the best Service and Price possible. Somethingsphishy is your Discus Fish, Angelfish, Pleco and Tropical Fish Superstore. 4. With our Discus, you are sure to have the best in the world coming directly from Mr. Stendker’s breeding in Germany. We can ship discus to anyone in the United States (We have cheaper shipping rate than most sellers!). We are extremely confident with our shipping method and know that the fish will arrive to you in good condition. Discus Fish for Sale at Discus Co. Baby and Juvenile Discus Sale. Discus is a great fish, with a grace and a particularly rare intelligence in aquarium fish. We can ship discus to anyone in the United States (We have cheaper shipping rate than most sellers!). To see our current discus stock list and pictures, please click on below tab. Bumblebee Goby. Unlike mo. Canada wide shipping is available with live delivery guaranteed on all shipments! Independent. Discus Fish are popular for freshwater tanks due to their distinctive shape, behavior, and bright colors and patterns. From basic community fish to monster fish keeping. Retail price list and stock : Web page / Pdf file Fresh water fish, invertebrates, plants and products guaranteed to arrive alive and survive. Many sizes and exotic strains available 2’ discus on sale for $45 3-4” discus starting at $90 4-7’ discus starting at $160 Available strains Eruptions Leopard skin Snake skin Red and Orange panda Albino gold and white Red melon Albino red melon Albino yellow Red and blue turquoise Red rose Red checker board Blue diamond Orange Pigeon blood Fuji red Yellow melon. We here at Exotic Discus have 100% live arrival guarantee. You know when you buy a Discus from us, you are looking at a strain that farms have spent many years perfecting. Our 2 inch baby discus fish is healthiest and cheaper than anywhere else in the U.S. market. More and more people dream of owning this fish, it is the sign and the culmination of a … In order to offer you the best Discus quality, we decided to specialize in discus. Buy live tropical discus fish from our online store and save money! Check out our Bulk Pack Pricing! For my customers who had an account on the old store, there are a couple of things you need to know. All visits are appointment only. It’s not the customer’s fault if the fish somehow die before reaching their new home. Seachem Matrix Carbon 250 mL. All shipping is via FedEx or UPS overnight - arriving next day at or before 10:30am(some rural areas may take up to noon delivery time). Please check back for the next pre-order opportunity or e-mail us at to be added to our mailing list and be among the first to receive notification. We here at Exotic Discus have 100% live arrival guarantee. Constant small amount of air bubbles running (please note, too much surface agitation from too much air bubbles can cause stress to discus). 3. Other sellers will only reimburse for the fish but not the shipping charge. @2023 by Charlotte McCoy. It will take at least few days before they’re completely settled in so be patient. An online tropical fish store shipping across Canada, featuring over 700 species of fish for sale. 1. Home / Discus Strains Stock List Updated: 12/03/2020 Price varies according to strain and size, so simply click on the photo of your desired fish and select the size from the option menu to see availability and prices. 3. Your Price: $4.00 In Stock. This is why we decided to create Discus Paradise in Montreal, Quebec, to satisfy the craze towards this fish that has a worldwide reputation. We import only the finest strains from Asia and elsewhere and offer them at … Turn the QT/Holding tank light off and place the closed bags into the aquarium and float them for approximately 30 minutes for the temperature to be adjusted. Which is a Breeder and importer of quality Discus fish are sometimes referred to as pompadour.... 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