Silverbush plant is used as an ornamental, thanks to its glowing silver-colored foliage, in its highly interesting form and of course thanks to its rich and continuous flowering, which under ideal conditions lasts from 150 to 180 days. The silvery foliage looks great all year round, but in summer through till autumn they also produce a stunning profusion of white trumpet-shaped flowers. Convolvulus cneorum (Silverbush) Convolvulus sp. Convolvulus cneorum (Shrubby bindweed) will reach a height of 0.6m and a spread of 0.9m after 5-10 years. Its silvery foliage is another great color that it … The leaf size ranges from 2 to 3.5 up to 6 cm (0.7 to 1.4 up to 2.3 in) in length and 0.3 to 0.8 up to 1.2 cm (0.1 to 0.3 up to 0.5 in) in width. Carry on browsing if you're happy with this, or find out how to manage cookies. Plant type: flowers. The desire of the site traveler to backing the unpaid site’s creators is his inalienable right. Silverbush plant has honored to includ in the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) Poisonous Plant Database. And with this name the species now walks botanically and necessarily. Pure white flowers on metallic silver leaves. Share. Having attractive silvery foliage, beautiful white flowers and abundant flowering that attracts bees and butterflies, gives color and life to every garden. Add to cart. The botanical name of the genus as Convolvulus is particularly apt, as it attributes a feature of most of the approximately 200 species included in it. With high temperatures the plant’s behavior is excellent. Then it can be pruned annually at the end of the winter to early spring, at 20 to 30 cm.In all other cases, rejuvenation pruning can handle once every 3 to 4 years. It is often found growing in cracks in rocks. The leaves are oval shaped and coated with silky hairs that give it a silver appearance. The Latin specific epithet cneorum is a word of Greek origin referring to a small olive-like plant, possibly a species of Daphne ; Convolvulus cneorum is een de rotsachtige kuststreken van Zuidoost-Europa groeiende, wintergroene sierheester behorende tot de Windefamilie. Convolvulus is synonymous with bindweed that grows in poor soil and is notably hard to eradicate. The Latin specific epithet cneorum is a word of Greek origin referring to a small olive-like plant, possibly a species of Daphne. It needs a sunny free draining position preferring full sun. The name of the species cneorum has a slightly more complex origin. It is the evergreen medium-sized shrub Daphne gnidium, whose leaves are very similar to the leaves of the olive. Highly recommend plant. Silverbush Plant (Convolvulus cneorum) - Origin & Life Span. Convolvulus cneorum. Clausen, R. R., Christopher, T., Detrick, L., & Detrick, A. L. (2015). Field bindweed, creeping jenny, European bindweed, morningglory, perennialmorningglory, smallflowered morning glory Convolvulus cneorum is a hardy evergreen shrub with silky silver-grey lancolate shaped foliage. However, sometimes, from the insects, the scales can attack the plant, while rusts and root rots are reported from fungi. Tolerates: Frosts and can survive on little water. Back. Origin. Silverbush plant, as a xerophyte, has minimal water requirements and if established, it can cope with long drought periods. Origin: SOUTH AFRICA. Although it is a widespread species, especially for plantings in Mediterranean or xeriscape gardens and landscapes, few varieties of Silverbush plant have been created. The fruit is a capsule and covered with hairs – like the seeds produced. The clean silver foliage covers the plant all year round and the cup shaped white flowers open in late spring and continue throughout the summer and autumn months. Uses: Extremely hardy long flowering foliage plant for verges, nature strips and roundabouts. Origin and characteristics. The amount of administration for the established plants is 10 to 15 g. Additionally, a trace minerals foliar application in early spring is beneficial to the plant. C. 1753: Species Plantarum. Root rots are largely due to insufficient drainage. Its canopy is dense and symmetrical with an irregular outline. Silver Bush (Convolvulus cneorum) – Description, Care & Uses, Common name(s): Silverbush, Silver Bush, Bush Morning Glory, Silver Bush Morning Glory, Shrubby Bindweed, Soil Type: Well-drained, sand, sandy loams, neutral to slightly alkaline, Hardiness: −9 °C (15 °F – USDA Hardiness Zone 8b), Specimen, mass planting, borders, pots and containers. Growth of the Native Xerophyte Convolvulus cneorum L. on an Extensive Mediterranean Green Roof under Different Substrate Types and Irrigation Regimens. Administration is done either once, provided it is controlled release, or in doses at a frequency of 1 every 20 to 30 days. Notes. These appear at the end of stems in loose panicles and may almost completely cover the plants for a long period during the summer months. *** Αρχική | Home » PLANTS » Botanical Description, Ecological Environment and Uses of Convolvulus cneorum. Silverbush plant fertilization takes place from the end of the winter to the end of the summer. The Latin specific epithet cneorum is a word of Greek origin referring to a small olive-like plant, possibly a species of Daphne. By using the appropriate insecticides their treatment is satisfactory. Impensis Laurentii Salvii, Stockholm. It can be used a complete fertilizer containing the main elements N-P-K at a ratio of 1: 1: 1 (20-20-20). Suitable for growing in containers in loam-based compost with added grit. Silverbush plant is a xerophyte perennial, evergreen compact subshrub with spreading shoots and shape round or flattened hemispherical. Glavni izbornik The minimum temperatures, which are also the lowest tolerance limit, range between -6 and -9 °C (20-15 °F). Immediately below are listed the most important pests of Convolvulus cneorum. convolvulus m (genitive convolvulī); second declension 1. the caterpillar of the vine moth (Eupoecilia ambiguella), which wraps itself up in the leaves of the vine 2. larger bindweed, hedge bindweed, Rutland beauty, bugle vine, heavenly trumpets, bellbind, granny-pop-out-of-bed (Calystegia sepium) 3. These silky hairs also give this plant drought tolerance, so it can be planted in hot dry situations, incl Sp. [2], Unlike other species in the genus, it is an evergreen shrub rather than a vine, forming a low mound 0.6–1.2 m (2 ft 0 in–3 ft 11 in) in height, with a similar spread. The word convolvo is of course complex, since it consists of the equally Latin con and volvō, which mean the first with, together, and the second roll. Ht. The distant origin of both is located respectively in the Proto-Indo-European roots *ḱóm (with, together) and *welH- (to turn, round, but also wind). Convolvulus cneorum quantity. Family: Convolvulaceae Bindweed They are annual or perennial herbaceous vines, bines and (a few species of) woody shrubs, growing to 0.3-3 m tall. Pretraži. Full name. In its natural habitat, it grows in calcareous, gravelly soils, even in rocky places in coastal areas. In Italy, populations are located on the island of Capri, the neighboring islands of Capri Li Galli and western Sicily. 2L Grade. Silverbush plant originates from the Mediterranean and specifically from the seaside areas of the Croatian islands, Albania and Italy. Email my list Print my list. Grows 0.6 x 1m. It also comes from the Latin convolvo, which is interpreted as rolling together or twining. In Italy, populations are located on the island of Capri, the neighboring islands of Capri Li Galli and western Sicily. Silverbush plant originates from the Mediterranean and specifically from the seaside areas of the Croatian islands, Albania and Italy. An unusual shrubby member of a genus that comprises mostly climbers and scramblers, Convolvulus cneorum is a native of Mediterranean limestone hills. Protect from severe frosts in the first season. It tolerates near-drought conditions for short periods,[5] and is cold hardy to −9 C.[3] It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit[1] (confirmed 2017). It reaches a maximum height of 60 centimeters and has a rounded bearing. So Silverbush plant contributes to increasing biodiversity, aesthetic upgrading, but also to the impeccable physical conditioning of the regular patrons of the gardens where it has been planted. Its sharing, possibly, useful. The flowers are hermaphrodite and have a funnel-like shape (actinomorphic). By specifying it, it could be said that Silverbush plant can be used: A silver artist for a silver plant: the outstanding jazz composer and pianist Horace Silver, with his classical composition ‘Senor Blues‘, presents the References of the Senor Convolvulus Cneorum of Κνῆστρον. [4], The species prefers an alkaline soil, full sun and good drainage. Convolvulus Cneorum. Its evergreen foliage is covered in silky silver-grey hairs, and the flowers start as pink buds which open into 2.5cm trumpets, with blush white petals marked with a central pink stripe. See more. In addition, it gives the motivation for sports to the flower lover, as bigoted insects will hunt to sting him. However there are some species of Convovulus that are worth a space in a Mediterranean style garden. Convolvulus cneorum. Pollination occurs mainly with the insects among which – weirdly – include bees and butterflies. convolvulus cneorum propagation. Browse 21 convolvulus cneorum stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. White flowers with pink flushed reverse. Whether or not to be accepted, that is, in general, another story. In relation to the soil, Silverbush plant prefers light to moderately textured soils, which have excellent drainage. Loves a dry open position. However, where it is possible to irrigate, it is recommended to watery when the soil at a depth of 3 to 5 cm has dried. by | Dec 2, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Dec 2, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments But which is – in all likelihood – this plant? Plant in a sunny sheltered position and a well-drained soil. Maintenance: Prune heavily every couple of years. Detail. No other fertilization is made after the end of the summer. "The luster of the long convolvuluses That coiled around the stately stems." Native to the Mediterranean region, Convolvulus cneorum (Shrubby Bindweed) is a small, spreading, evergreen shrub noted for its attractive silky, silvery-green foliage and large morning-glory-like flowers. Flowering season: Spring and summer. Origin Exotic. A dense compact shrub with slender, curved vertical stems. It comes from the Ancient Greek word ‘κνέωρον’, which is of unknown etymology, a word with which the Ancient Greeks called – in all likelihood – the plant ‘κνῆστρον’. Their color is white – sometimes pink – with a yellow center, while they are carried in dense terminal cymose clusters, one to two in in the axils of bracts. The plant is entomophilous and does not cause allergic reactions. This hardy and attractive males a great groundcover and is perfect for rockeries. By the timely use of appropriate formulations the treatment of fungi is satisfactory. Perfect for white or silver themed gardens borders containers and coastal areas. In Croatia it is found on many of the islands off the coast. Glistening silver leaves. [3], The species is found in coastal areas of Spain, Italy, Croatia and Albania[3] In Italy it is found on the coast of Tuscany and western Sicily and on the islands of Capri and Li Galli. City, Drought Tolerant, Gravel, Mediterranean, Containers. [6], Media related to Convolvulus cneorum at Wikimedia Commons,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 13 December 2020, at 14:49. Sportska akademija Vunderkid Vaše dijete, čudo od pokreta! Cultivation. AGM. Category: Shrubs & Fill-ins. Advice, but also suggestions, comments and proposals are, in general, welcome. The use of Silverbush Plant as a ground cover in mass plantings creates attractive colorful areas. n Convolvulus (Bot) A large genus of plants having monopetalous flowers, including the common bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis), and formerly the morning-glory, but this is now transferred to the genus Ipomæa. After the pests, the recording of the diseases follows. Plant name: Silverbush. Silver Bush. The peduncle of the flowers has a length of 1 to 2 to 4 cm (0.4 to 0.8 up to 1.6 in), and the length of the corolla is between 2 and 7 cm (0.8 to 2.7 in) and the width from 2 to 2,5 cm (0.8 to 1 in). Can be grown in containers. Convolvulus definition, any plant belonging to the genus Convolvulus, of the morning glory family, comprising twining or prostrate plants having trumpet-shaped flowers. Email/s (separate multiple emails with a comma) Send. Print page Add to list. (Medieval Latin) colic (severe pains that grip the abdomen or the disease that causes such pains) And because the similarity between Silverbush plant and Daphne gnidium is not only found in the silver-colored foliage but also in the fact that both species have poisonous fruits (in fact, all plant parts of Daphne gnidium are extremely toxic), the combinatorial thinking of botanists has led them, in the poisonous poetic baptism of Silverbush plant as a cneorum. Silverbush plant, if allow it to carry out its work in peace, spends its life merry and lives for more than 15 to 20 years. Grow in poor to moderately fertile, well-drained soil in a sheltered, sunny site. During spring and summer masses of pink buds emerge followed by large white funnelform flowers with yellow centres. Convolvulus definition is - any of a genus (Convolvulus) of erect, trailing, or twining herbs and shrubs of the morning-glory family. During the flowering period, the entire plant is literally lost under the crowd of flowers. Silverbush plant is generally a plant highly adaptive since cultivated within the natural temperature range of the species. Convolvulus cneorum is a compact evergreen shrub with narrow, oblong, silvery leaves. Convolvulus cneorum (Bush Morning Glory) - A fast growing evergreen shrub that forms a rounded 2 to 3 foot tall by 3 to 5 foot wide mound with 1 to 2 inch long silvery-green lance-shaped leaves. 99 Their characteristic silky appearance is due to the fact that – like all the stem parts of the plant – they are covered with fine hairs. Plants in the genus Convolvulus (Convolvulus spp.) Botanical Description, Ecological Environment and Uses of Convolvulus cneorum, Correcting Nitrogen Deficiency in Ornamental Trees, Jacaranda mimosifolia – Description, Care and Uses, I’m Going Home – Ten Years After, Woodstock, Pomegranate Planting Distances & Orchard Planning, ‘Black Knight’ Βutterfly Βush – Buddleja davidii ‘Black Knight’, Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina) – Description & Uses, Common Myrtle or True Myrtle (Myrtus communis L.), Genus Brugmansia – Taxonomy & Description, In combination with other shrubs and hedges, such asAutumn Sage (. It produces many pink buds unfurling to white 2.5–4 cm (1–2 in) diameter flowers which are white with a yellow throat. The reason is the one mentioned above: to fully open the flowers must accept the sunlight directly. Convolvulus cneorum, the silverbush or shrubby bindweed, is a species of flowering plant in the family Convolvulaceae, which contains many plants described as "bindweed". The leaves are grey-green and are covered in fine hairs which give the plant a silvery appearance. The nice arch shoots of the Silverbush plant almost all come from the base of the plant and are slightly branched. In terms of pH it is recommended to plant in neutral to slightly alkaline soil reaction with values ranging from 7 to 8. Suggested uses. Generally systemic pruning is not necessary for the plant unless it is desired to limit its growth. Silverbush plant is suggested to planted in places of southern orientation and full exposure to the sun. Convolvulus Cneorum – Shrubby Bindweed or Silvery Bindweed Convolvulus Cneorum is a lovely plant of Mediterranean origin, and is best known by its common names shrubby bindweed and silvery bindweed. Convolvulus cneorum is non-toxic to humans and pets – with the exception of plant seeds. Its leaves are lanceolate to elliptical and are silver-colored. Convolvulus cneorum is a prolific flowering, low growing shrub. Tassoula, L., Papafotiou, M., Liakopoulos, G., & Kargas, G. (2015). Buy convolvulus Convolvulus cneorum - Fabulous silver foliage and white flowers: 2 litre pot: £16.99 Delivery by Crocus We use cookies to provide you with a better service and experience. Select Page. Thompson & Morgan Hardy Flowering Shrub Convolvulus Cneorum, Easy to Grow, Potted Garden Plants, Ideal for Smaller Gardens, Patio and Containers (1 x 3.6 Litre Pot) 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 £24.99 £ 24 . Position. If, of course, she/he belongs to the category of butterfly admirers, has more motivation to get the butterfly net and from prey to turn into a predator. Convolvulus cneorum, the silverbush or shrubby bindweed,[1] is a species of flowering plant in the family Convolvulaceae, which contains many plants described as "bindweed". Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Free and Open Access to Biodiversity Data. In mainland Italy are located in the coastal areas of Tuscany – whose capital Florence remains the place of birth not of Silverbush plant but of the Italian Renaissance. It is a low growing, evergreen shrub that spreads out into … can be fun and rewarding to grow, making good choices for a flowering border or, in some cases, useful as ground covers. Scientific Name Authority L. Rank species Published in Linnaeus. the native pink bindweed (Convolvulus erubescens), with smaller flowers (Photo: Sheldon Navie) Full sun. The Silverbush Plant or Bush Morning Glory is a subshrub, with excellent ornamental features – but not only. Convolvulus cneorum $ 7.00. By giving him the donation button, we strongly encourage him to exercise it. Origin. June-Aug. Hardy but best against a warm wall where its foliage will not get scorched by frost in winter. 70cm. 60cm. The characteristic feature of the Silverbush plant’s flowers is that they open with sunlight and the evening are closed. One of our best selling ground covers. Explore {{searchView.params.phrase}} by color family {{familyColorButtonText(}} The AHS (American Horticultural Society) classifies the plant in zones 8-11 and indeed, temperatures that often exceed 40 °C have no negative effect on the plant. The name of the genus Convolvulus is a Latin word and means, without complications, ‘bindweed’ and / or ‘caterpillar’. As a plant, it also tolerates the half-shade, but then the flowering is reduced and also its flowers do not fully open. Convolvulus cneorum is a dwarf evergreen shrub covered with silky hairs that give the plant a lovely silvery appearance.White flowers, which open during May and continue through the summer months, are tinged pink on the reverse. Related Products $ 10.00 Azaleas Add to cart $ 12.00 Strelitzia Reginae Add to cart; It is an evergreen shrub native to the Mediterranean Region whose scientific name is Convolvulus cneorum, and which is popularly known as Morning Glory shrub, silver bell, Turkish bindweed or morning glory. However, it is a particularly sensitive plant in the heavily frozen northern winds as and the frosts and it must be avoided to planted in areas where the prevailing wind is north or the regions are frosty. In practice, it does not face problems from pests and diseases. Cultural notes: Full sun and well drained soils for best outcome. Bush Morning Glory (Convolvulus cneorum) Pretty white flowers with yellow centers are just one of the reasons people love Bush Morning Glory. The use of the material, where third-party rights are not mentioned or implied (such as photos or audiovisual files – with the exception of those belonging to "Kalliergeia"), is absolutely free. 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